There are different kind of people – your friends who support you, your friend who envy you, your enemies and middle-class minded people.
Today we will look at middle class. When I heard for the first time of middle-class I said to myself “this is me”. Hubbard management system explains very well how this set up of mind affect the business. A lot of us were educated with the idea that having a place to live, clothes and food, a trip once a year is good enough. So good, that you don’t need to work hard for really big wealth and achievements. This middle class mind restrains us to use our full potential to achieve our dreams.
If you are salesperson and a middle class minded, at one moment you will stop prospecting. Why? Because with the prospects you have the situation is Ok. But the market is changing everyday, so what is ok today will be not enough tomorrow.
Middle class minded is your friend who says “You better stick to that assured job position”. “Be grateful that you have your own apartment”; ” this dream is too big, don’t dream so much. “You have all you need, you don’t need more”. All these comes out of fear. Fear profits man nothing!
Tags: abundance, business, business communication, business success, control, friends, goal, how to attract money, how to be fast, middle class, success