Marc as guest speaker at the Ukrainian WISE convention

28 June 2018   •   no comments   

The stage was taken by the speaker from Belgium, Marc de Turck.
(An expert with 27 years of experience in the field of establishing business processes. Founder of a few companies, among which there are Ideas Free Boss, “Leadership and Innovation Center” and others.


His clients include such companies as Mazda, Toyota, Renoult, СPMG, DHL, DAEMON, CISCO, HITACHI, Johnson & Johnson, European offices of the insurance company group Alians, representatives of other businesses and companies as well as political leaders in different countries of the world, whom he has consulted on the matters of strategic planning, goals setting, company establishment, effective promotion, financial management).

Using colorful and practical examples, Mr. De Turk has demonstrated how one can use the organizing board for strategic planning. He explained in more detail the key duties of an executives, shed light on nuances and secrets of effective management. He gave a detailed explanation of certain tools from Hubbard Management System in such a way that even the “old-timers” have received a lot of valuable data and recommendations. Mark has voiced an idea that was unexpected for many business owners: what, in his opinion, is the difference between the owner and the founder! The founder creates a dream, goals and rules, and the owner provides financial means and ensures economic benefits. If you are both owner and founder, do not mix these functions with each other! Be sure to put some time into performing the founder functions: dream and involve others in your dreams. For example, the founder of Mercedes has given the company the goal, he created the first product, came up with rules. He is not among the living any longer, but his goals keep on existing, and they are known. The company group right now has owners who maintain and promote the dream as well as monitor financial state of the company. Ideal scene for the founder: continue to dream and create ideal scenes and dream that you dream will live forever.

Mark has also explained how one can use the technology about an “opinion” and a “fact” when working with employees, to increase their efficiency and to motivate them. Mark has given a log of examples showing what executives need to say and that they need to work only with facts and toss away opinions. He has underlined that very often executives are trapped in “opinions”.

Mark has underlined that a game should be the basis of each motivation. That creation of a game is not just a recommendation or a wish – it is the main duty of an executive. If there are no difficulties – there are no games. If people are arguing with each other and, therefore, there is no harmony, double their targets and goals. Because most people are good people, but when they start “focusing” on what they want to “be” too much, and not on what they want to produce, problems arise. Help people to be in harmony: to know they are producing and to love what they are producing!

Mark has also given the participants quite a few assignments that were supposed to be completed individually or in groups. The atmosphere in the hall was lively and fun. Mark has given a lot of real life examples involving others in his demonstrations.

At the end of the speech, the participants have wholeheartedly thanked Mark de Turk and Tatyana Tasits, founder of the English language schools Flash, who has ensured a marvellous translation of Mark’s seminar.



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