Tag: promotion

Bulgarian business people get introduced into Internet Marketing Tactics and Strategies

16 June 2017   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

Social media, e-shop, e-commerce, inbound, outbound, onpage etc are the new terminologies used in promoting one’s services and products.

Many internet promotion service providers educate and deliver their services on the virtual market.  Quite some marketeers are already experienced in using its tools and tactics.

Per a survey done by us however, we observed quite some business people using only a small part of all tools available on the virutal promotion market.

That is why IDEAS FreeBoss looked in its circle for the most experienced virutal promotion education providers and invted Sergio Mazarakis to deliver a one day seminar to its clients, knowing very well that a one day seminar is not enough to introduce business people to all possible tactics, going from SEO, over to SMS campaigns.

However, Sergio Mazarakis – partner of ideas freeboss intl – delivered a complete seminar on how to use the most important tools with guaranteed success.  His seminar is followed by a free consultation.

More info on http://www.freeboss.eu .  Hereunder some pictures .
To see what were the reactions, click on Our clients talking.