Trainunderstandinging, coaching and consulting

in understanding people really.




Are you :


Then this is for you.

A  person is not his body.  Communication is at a much higher level than the verbal or written level. Our trainings and coaching learn you to see this and to use this for real understanding.

We propose you:  

Open and corporate training and coaching sessions in how to understand, communicate and with communication to move people:



A leader, entrepreneur, manager who knows what is real understanding and how to use its components in understanding people and being understood.
A leader, entrepreneur, manager who knows how to look through the mask of people and who can move people with emotions.



The topics of the open and corporate training session included are:


Time duration

The open training takes 1 day from 10 to 18:00.

The corporate training takes 1 to 3 days from 10 to 18:00.



The open training is done in our premises.

Corporate training and coaching sessions are done in the premises of the company.



“During the two days I found completely new methods and ways to communicate. Things that I did not pay attention to or did not know how to handle. The training routines taught me how to notice the little things that make the communication much easier. Thank you!” – Manager of a PR agency.

“I have learned how to see things that seem obvious and simple at first glance but I have neglected them.” – Innovations manager in a weath and fertilizer production company, Belgium

“I came without any expectations but I am impressed by the lecture of Mr. De Turck. Everything was given in an engrossing, lively, compelling manner. It definitely provoke my interest and the desire to learn more about the emotions and their successful usage in all aspects of life. It was a pleasure for me to attend this seminar and to learn from a person that has turned work into art. I recommend it to anyone that wants to learn something useful while having fun.” – Lawyer in Law company

“I learned extremely interesting ways how to better understand the others parties in a communication process- colleagues, friends, family members. The exercises that we did during the first day will be useful in future problematic situations in communication, when is needed to stay calm and to handle the emotions.” – Accountant in an investment group.


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