Posts in October

A Different Reading Of The Word EXHAUSTION

29 October 2018   •   Newsletter, uncategorized   •   no comments   
A Different Reading Of The Word EXHAUSTION

To work or not to work? The answer to that question
in most men’s minds is EXHAUSTION.

It has been discovered that there is no such thing as “gradual diminishing by continuing contact of the energy of the individual”. One becomes exhausted when he has worked sufficiently long to reactivate the pain and emotion of a past bad memory of some old injury. One of the characteristics of this injury will be exhaustion.  read more

Bulgarian Timber Chamber continues its trainings to its members.

28 October 2018   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   

Sliven, Bulgaria. Friday October 26th 2018.

The local members of the Timber Chamber followed a one day training on self-motivation.
Marc J. de Turck spoke about the importance of giving reponsibility in order not to create robots.

The atmosphere was great. All members loved it.
Success to all Timber Chamber members in Bulgaria.








More info on our trainings:


Real business life is not a Hollywood movie

5 October 2018   •   Newsletter   •   no comments   
Real business life is not a Hollywood movie

The Godfather, Ocean’s eleven, Bonnie and Clyde, … Great movies.

Watching those movies, one might start thinking that success in business equals to just being criminal. True, some criminals seem successful and happy. Quite some young graduates start to think that just doing nothing and stealing or playing casino games is the way to success. read more